List of Claymore characters

The Claymore anime and manga series features a diverse cast of characters created by Norihiro Yagi. The series is set in a medieval world where humans coexist with creatures called yoma, sentient monsters that feed on human innards. A highly secretive group, referred to as the Organization, has created an order of half-human, half-yoma warriors to protect humans from the yoma, for a large fee. The general population refer to these warriors as Claymores, based on their gargantuan, unsheathed swords, or "Silver Eyed Witches", based on their appearances and seemingly cold nature toward others, especially humans.


Claymore Generations

Claymores' ranks are based on their strength and ability in comparison to other Claymores. They may secure higher ranks as they become stronger, but when they are surpassed by other Claymores, they will be demoted to a lower rank. Claymores are known to belong in different generations, marking the time they joined the Organization, but not all Claymores who are active at the same time belong to the same generation. This is because Claymores never age beyond their physical prime. Each Claymore is identified by a unique symbol imprinted on their sword and clothing. This symbol is also on the Black Card kept inside the hilts of their swords.



Claymore character

Created by Norihiro Yagi
Voiced by Houko Kuwashima (Japanese)
Stephanie Young (English)
Nicknames None
First Appearance Volume 1 (Manga) / Episode 1 (Anime)
Rank Former #47
Type Offensive
Techniques Acute Yoki Sensing, Sword Throw, Minor Regeneration, Quick Sword, Yoki Manipulation, Partial Awakening of Limbs, Yoki Suppression, Windcutter
Post-Timeskip Status Alive / Deserted

Clare (クレア Kurea?) is the series' protagonist. When she was a child, both of her parents were eaten by a yoma disguised as her brother. Just as Clare was about to be raped by the yoma, a Claymore swooped from behind and beheaded it. With no family left and none willing to take her in, Clare was left to wander alone.

Shortly afterward, a yoma found her and made her its toy, often torturing her.[1] The yoma is later killed by Teresa during one of the latter's missions. Able to sense and empathizing with Teresa's own personal pain, Clare followed her for days without food, water, and rest. Teresa, who initially tried to get rid of Clare, eventually let her travel with her, with Teresa slowly becoming more and more fond of her.[2] The presence of a caring human in Teresa's life helps her regain her lost happiness and humanity. Their peaceful life is cut short when Teresa decides to leave Clare at the hands of a kind family living in one of the towns surrounding the Organization's headquarters. Teresa had killed a yoma in that town prior to her decision to leave Clare there. This action would turn out to be the town's doom, as later that night, a group of bandits proceeded to the town and massacred almost all of the civilians. Teresa, realizing that the yoma she killed was the only one standing between the bandits and the civilians, quickly runs back to the town. Upon arrival, she sees Clare as the only survivor. Teresa kills the bandit who was about to rape Clare, and proceeded to massacre every last bandit. As a result, the Organization sends four of their best Claymores to execute Teresa, who is eventually killed by the awakened Priscilla.

Clare vows to take Priscilla's head in revenge, and searches for a member of the organization. Once she discovers one, she demands that the organization fuse her with Teresa's flesh and blood.[3] Clare becomes the only person to volunteer to join the Claymores[4] and the first hybrid with 1/4 Yoma blood instead of the normal 1/2.[5] Because of this low demonic ratio, she has little power and is given rank #47 — the lowest.[6] However, Clare shares Teresa's ability of heightened Yoki sensing to the point of being able to predict an opponent's moves. It is unknown whether this is a genetic inheritance or Clare choosing to follow in her mentor's footsteps. At one point, Miria ponders whether this is a deliberately chosen tactic in order to fight Awakened Beings.[7]

Clare partially awakens during her fight in the holy city of Rabona, but is able to revert to her human state with Raki's help. She loses her right arm during an incident involving Ophelia, but later receives a new one from Irene, along with the "Quick Sword" technique. However her "Quick Sword" only has half the speed and power of Irene's.[8] She once again comes close to Awakening during her battle against Dauf, but Galatea manipulates her yoki flow and brings her back.[9] She then uses the same method to save Jean from losing her mind to awakening.[10]

In the Northern campaign, Clare joins Flora's party. Having grown significantly stronger, she fights on the same level as her captain.[11] During the fight against Rigaldo, Clare is able to deliberately awaken parts of her body, while remaining mentally human.[12] However, she finds herself unable to turn back after the fight. Jean, believing she owes Clare her life for saving her despite Clare's adamant refusal, sacrifices herself to save Clare from awakening. Clare is the only member of her team to survive the Northern Campaign.

During the next seven years, Clare and six other surviving Claymores, would remain in seclusion causing the Organization to believe they had all perished. During this time, Clare would learn and master Flora's "Windcutter" technique.

Despite the danger of being discovered and hunted by the Organization, Clare has returned to the southern lands to find Priscilla as well as continue her search for Raki. She has currently returned to Rabona and defeated the Awakened Being, Agatha. with help from her comrades. The Organization's current Number Four, Miata, upon witnessing their battle, indicated that Clare and her companions all have great power but two of them, probably Miria and Clare, surpassing the others by far. Later, during a conversation with Sid and Galk, Clare learns that Raki is still alive and has been searching for her.[13] Relieved that Raki survived, Clare is troubled when it is revealed that he is traveling with a small girl. To facilitate their movements, Miria has assigned Cynthia and Yuma to accompany Clare on her search for Raki.[14] Clare, Cynthia and Yuma travel in the Western lands in search of Clare's former companion, but they fail to find any clues. In one of the cities they encounter three warriors of the Organization with their handlers that appear to be searching for another Claymore, oblivious to an Awakened Being within that very city. While Yuma throws the Organization's agents and Claymores unconscious, Cynthia and Clare finish off the Awakened Being, only to be confronted by Rubel, who reveals his identity as a spy for the Organization's enemies and offers information to Clare.

Acting on Rubel's hints, Clare, Cynthia and Yuma continue their journey but are beset by Dauf, who captures Yuma. Clare, after failing to harm Dauf even with her improved Windcutter, is forced to cut off Yuma's leg in order to escape. Subsequently, Clare follows Dauf back to Riful's hideout, narrowly escaping Riful's attacks only to be drawn into Rafaela's and Luciela's merged consciousness. Within Rafaela's mind, Clare briefly relives the events of seven years ago. Rafaela informs her that she is making a big mistake, but without revealing what it is, challenges her to a fight. Clare cannot win, and is brutally outmatched until she finally releases her Yoki and uses the Quicksword, which "kills" Rafaela, resulting in the merged creature's Awakening. No rest awaits Clare, though, as soon enough the giant statue begins attacking with living parasitic spear-like projectiles - though Clare, Deneve and Helen who arrive shortly thereafter evade the barrage, as the spears begin transforming into cat-like creatures akin to Awakened Beings, the three find themselves in a tough spot, although they manage to defeat them all. As they rest, Clare senses the yoki of Priscilla, who has just killed Alicia, Beth, Dauf, and Riful, nearby. As the second barrage of parasitic spears deploys, Priscilla appears to the three warriors, her target being Clare herself. Clare recognizes Priscilla and attempts to Awaken to kill her, possibly in reference to the anime. However, according to Helen and Deneve, Jean's pre-timeskip sacrifice left Clare so psychologically scarred she can no longer Awaken. After being torn in half by the Destroyer, she allows herself to be assimilated into it and manipulates it into attacking Priscilla.[15]According to Helen, once Clare got absorbed within the Destroyer, the land of Lautrec vanished in an instant, leaving only a motionless but grotesque mass that was carried by both Helen and Deneve nearby to Rabona. Galatea probes the Destroyer's remains after Helen comments the thing is still giving off faint yoki signs in hopes that Clare may still be alive inside. Once the diagnosis is done, Galatea concludes that Clare intentionally used the Destroyer for both of them to trap and seal Priscilla inside, therefore, any attempts to rescue Clare will result in Priscilla's release as well. Furthermore, Clare realizing that she has lost her sense of self after both she and Priscilla were merged and got trapped inside the Destroyer will not respond no matter who calls out to her.[16]

In the anime, Clare battles Priscilla immediately after killing Rigaldo. After a lengthy battle, Clare surprises Priscilla by increasing her speed and power on her flash swords with all blades she could possibly unleash until Priscilla couldn't keep up. She was prevented from killing Priscilla when Raki stopped her. Clare couldn't control herself and attacked Raki but Jean, the 9th rank during that time, sacrificed her life she once owed to Clare. Although Jean dies from fatal wounds, Jean in the end helped restore Clare to her regular form and Priscilla was left alive.[17]


Claymore character

Created by Norihiro Yagi
Voiced by Motoki Takagi (Japanese)
Todd Haberkorn (English)
Nicknames None
First Appearance Volume 1 (Manga) / Episode 1 (Anime)
Type Human
Post-Timeskip Status Alive

Raki (ラキ Raki?) is Clare's traveling companion. He is introduced as a young boy whose family is murdered by a Yoma, which then takes the form of his older brother, Zaki, as a disguise. This Yoma is slain by Clare, but Raki is suspected of being a Yoma as well, and exiled from his village. Clare only offered to take him with her until he finds a village he wishes to live in, but she gets attached to him. Raki also cares very deeply for Clare, and protects her without hesitation from anyone; even another Claymore. It remains unclear whether their relationship is platonic or romantic (although Clare kisses Raki before they part ways). Officially, Raki was a 'Cook' for Clare. Raki carries a holy sword given to him by Galk and uses the sword in an attempt to protect Clare.

Raki is separated from Clare during her fight with Ophelia in Volume 7. Soon after that, he is apparently captured by slave traders and sent to the North. In Volume 10, he escapes but falls under the care of Isley and Priscilla, although he is not aware of their true identities as Awakened Beings. Priscilla was 'saved' by Raki from a large number of falling stones (and, in the anime Priscilla likes his smell because Raki came from the south[18]). Isley says that Raki should "keep her (Priscilla) company for a while". Raki then begins to study swordsmanship under Isley. Raki reappears in Chapter 80, after the seven year time skip, travelling with a regressed, child-like Priscilla. Raki is shown wearing Claymore-like armour and wielding a massive broadsword. In addition to maturing physically, his skills and confidence have increased dramatically as he easily defeats a Yoma and displays remarkable reflexes and speed. His abilities of persuasion and discussion have also developed over the years to the point that with a logical argument, he can defuse a small crowd that is about to kill him.

Raki's dialogue reveals that he now knows Priscilla's true nature. Raki also mentions that Priscilla's small frame is probably because she has not eaten any human flesh for a few years, although she is probably "at her limit". He says that, should she submit to her hunger, he will attempt to stop her but acknowledges that he will probably fail and be eaten. It is revealed in Isley's last moments that he chased Priscilla and Raki out of the south so that they wouldn't be endangered by the Abyss feeders but that he cared for both Raki and Priscilla like a family.

Raki and Priscilla later find themselves caught in the danger caused by the projectiles fired from the Rafaela-Luciela combined awakened being. Later, a Retrieval group from the Organization discovers that decimated town Raki and Priscilla were in. They discover an injured Raki and comment that he appears to be the only survivor; Priscilla is later revealed to have survived the attack and eaten the villagers to regain her strength before pursuing Raki. Raki has several small projectiles imbedded in his shoulder and the Retrieval team marvel that how he has managed to resist being absorbed by them. The leader of the group plans to take Raki back to the Organization, believing that being infected by the awakened projectiles may yield some interesting results. It is shown that he is able to resist the rods taking over his body due to Priscilla stabbing him in the back and leaving a hand stuck in his back. Dae, interested in the flesh of something stronger than an abyssal one, decides to use the hand as part of an experiment (to be implemented in 3 test subjects). In chapter 114, during the Claymore's revolt against the Organization, he has broken out of his imprisonment with help from one of the twin trainees, and is currently fighting the men inside of the organization.

Following Raki's meeting with Priscilla and Isley, things are drastically changed in the anime adaptation. Raki becomes aware that Priscilla is an Awakened Being and a former Claymore prior to the 'War in the North'. He then leaves Priscilla and Isley in order to meet up with Clare. He witnesses the end of Clare's fight against Rigaldo and narrowly escapes being killed as Jean sacrifices herself to save him. Afterward, Raki and Clare reunite and Raki accepts Clare's offer to join her on a new journey, despite the dangers they will face now that they have abandoned the Organization. Raki and Clare are last seen walking together towards a nearby valley.


Claymore character
Created by Norihiro Yagi
Voiced by Kikuko Inoue (Japanese)
Monica Rial (English)
Nicknames Phantom Miria
First Appearance Volume 5 (Manga) / Episode 9 (Anime)
Rank Former #6
Type Offensive
Techniques Phantom Mirage, Enhanced Speed, Yoki Suppression
Post-Timeskip Status Alive / Deserted

Miria (ミリア Miria?) was Claymore #6. She can greatly, but briefly, increase her speed to the point where she leaves many afterimages of herself in battle, confusing the opponent, thus earning herself the nickname Phantom Miria (幻影のミリア gen'ei no Miria?). She is also very skilled at using teamwork and planning battle tactics. Miria was secretly investigating the Organization after she swore revenge against it. This stems from an Awakened Being hunt, when she discovered that the target was originally a close friend, Hilda, who had awakened. The shock of this led her to nearly awakening.[19]

Miria was first introduced in Volume 5, Scene 25 as a team leader of an Awakened Being Hunting Squad where she had an uneasy encounter with Clare due to the latter's disobedience.

She was assigned again as leader of an Awakened Being hunting squad - formed of Clare, Helen, and Deneve. The squad was almost defeated but Clare and Miria eventually killed the male Awakened Being.

After realizing that they had almost no chance of surviving the fight, Miria believed that her squad had been betrayed by the organization and sent on a suicide mission. Her theory was that her squad, composed of partially-Awakened Claymores, were considered troublemakers by the organization. After the battle, she told Clare, Helen, and Deneve that she'd found one of the organization's darkest secrets, but didn't reveal it out of fear for the others' safety. She told them to keep a low profile and stamp out their trouble making images, and that she'd contact them when the time was right.

Miria was also the chief Claymore in the Northern campaign. She demonstrated her tactical skills by the way she organized the Claymores into small teams that would allow them to gain experience in fighting with Awakened Ones with minimal loss of life. In their first fight against three male Awakened Ones, her strategic capabilities were even recognized by one of the Awakened Ones. Miria directly led the following Claymores: Queenie (#20), Tabitha (#31) and Yuma (#40). It was her planning that enabled some of the Claymores in the campaign to survive. In addition, her own team took only one fatality.

While in seclusion she develops a new way to greatly increase her normal speed, without needing the yoki bursts. Deneve describes the technique as "A new kind of Mirage" and although it is slightly slower than her former technique, this is actually considered superior because there are no limits to how many times she can use this ability, as opposed to the short yoki bursts needed for her mirages. With this new technique she's also able to achieve more precise movements. She serves as the leader of the surviving Claymores.

Miria revealed that she had accessed the Organization's archives prior to the Northern Campaign. She discovered shocking information, but it took her seven years to piece everything together. She reveals her theory that the Yoma are not natural, and that she believes the Organization created them. That the lands they live in is actually a massive island that the Organization is using to conduct experiments towards the creation of an ultimate weapon to win a war between two great nations in a distant land that has been raging for over a hundred years. These ultimate weapons are the Awakened Beings.

She decided to let her comrades leave Rabona to finish whatever tasks they might have, while she remained in Rabona with Tabitha. However, upon hearing through Dietrich that the Alicia and Beth had been sent to the West to kill Riful, she cut down Tabitha, injuring her but not killing her, and set out to attack the Organization on her own. Galatea explains to Tabitha that this was because Miria knew that she would have to kill humans in order to take down the Organization, and she did not wish to make Tabitha have to choose between her loyalty to her captain and her own morals.[20]

During her assault on the Organization, Miria was able to easily defeat the normal Claymores sent against her without killing them, even the current #3 and #5, but began to struggle when faced with the new twins recruits, created as a future replacement to Alicia and Beth. She was apparently killed by the Claymores when her mind was put into a state of confusion by Raftela, believing that the twin she was fighting, was her deceased friend, Hilda. However, Deneve and the other survivors of the Northern War, as well as Dietrich, decide to head to the Organization in the hope of finding Miria still alive and rescuing her.[21]

In chapter 113, it is revealed that the Organization's Claymores, after Miria spared their lives, found that they could not kill her, and so they simply cut her body up enough to fool the Organization's men who were standing nearby. She reappears at the end of chapter 113, leading the Claymores in a revolt against the Organization, with a large X-shaped scar across her face.


Claymore character
Created by Norihiro Yagi
Voiced by Hana Takade (Japanese)
Caitlin Glass (English)
Nicknames None
First Appearance Volume 5 (Manga) / Episode 9 (Anime)
Rank Former #15
Type Defensive
Techniques Dual Wielding, Heightened Regeneration, Yoki Suppression
Post-Timeskip Status Alive / Deserted

Deneve (デネヴ Denevu?) is ranked fifteen in Clare's generation and one of the few to return to normal after starting to awaken. She is very calm and her regenerative abilities are exceptional compared to other Claymores. She became a Claymore after her parents and sister were killed by a Yoma while she remained hidden after her sister pushed her under the bed to stay alive.[22] She wishes to avenge her family, but as she has a strong will to live, she ended up becoming a defensive fighter instead. Ashamed of what she regarded as her cowardice, she fought suicidally until she met Helen, who convinced her that her thoughts were natural as they are still humans.[22] The two formed a very close bond, and after their first mission together, she also forms a bond with Clare and Miria.

During the northern campaign, she comes to respect Undine, whose true nature she manages to deduce. After Undine's death, Deneve becomes haunted by feelings of weakness for her perceived inability to avenge her captain and she carries Undine's sword in memory of her. As one of the seven survivors, she masters suppressing her presence, learns how to enhance her muscles to augment her strength, and becomes skilled in using two swords at once.

While Clare, Cynthia and Yuma head west and Miria and Tabitha remain in Rabona, Helen and Deneve head south to revisit their hometowns. On the way, they encounter Dietrich and her team, who are hunting an Awakened Being.[23] After they help Dietrich slay the Awakened Being, Dietrich warns them that the south has become more dangerous, however, they continue on their journey. After being attacked by the Abyss Feeders, Helen and Deneve head west to meet up with Clare's group so that Cynthia could heal Helen's wounds, and Deneve asks Dietrich to deliver a message to Miria in Rabona about the newest developments in the south. Helen and Deneve arrive in the West just in time to witness the awakening of The Destroyer. Along with Clare, they manage to defeat the first wave of Hellcats when they are confronted by Priscilla, who is after Clare. Deneve and Helen rescue Clare, who is severely wounded by Priscilla, but they are unable to escape from Priscilla, who attacks both of them. However, Clare, from inside the Destroyer, manipulates it into attacking Priscilla and allows them to escape.

Deneve, Helen, Cynthia, Yuma, and Dietrich arrive back at Rabona to find it under attack by Yoma and Awakened Beings, but along with Galatea, Tabitha, Clarice, Miata, and the city's soldiers, they are able to slay them all without any fatalities amongst the townsfolk.[24] Galatea explains to them what happened to Miria, and that she is most likely dead. However, Deneve states that she will not simply accept that as the truth without proof, and so she leads the survivors and Dietrich to the Organization in the hopes of finding and rescuing Miria.[21]


Claymore character
Created by Norihiro Yagi
Voiced by Miki Nagasawa (Japanese)
Jamie Marchi (English)
Nicknames None
First Appearance Volume 5 (Manga) / Episode 9 (Anime)
Rank Former #22
Type Offensive
Techniques Extending Limbs; Yoki Suppression; Drill Sword
Post-Timeskip Status Alive / Deserted

Helen (ヘレン Heren?) is Claymore twenty-two in Clare's generation, who is able to stretch her arms to extreme lengths to attack at range or bind her opponents. She likes to eat and drink for pleasure, and especially enjoys apples. She is hot tempered and aggressive, and she places much value on ranks, initially disliking Clare for her low rank and weak power.[25] Like Deneve, her close friend, Miria, and Clare, she has come very close to awakening, which causes them to form a bond when they are sent on a mission meant to have them be killed off. After surviving the Northern Campaign, she masters the "Drill Sword" technique, a blow that takes the stored energy from rotating her arm a number of times and releases it all at once, developed by Jean. She is able to use it more often due to her flexible arms.


Claymore character
Created by Norihiro Yagi
Voiced by Miho Miyagawa (Japanese)
Anastasia Munoz (English)
Nicknames None
First Appearance Volume 9 (Manga), Episode 18 (Anime)
Rank Former #14
Type Defensive
Techniques Yoki suppression; Yoki sensing; Yoki manipulation (limited);
Post-Timeskip Status Alive / Deserted

Cynthia (シンシア Shinshia?) is Claymore #14 and a defensive fighter. Cynthia is another survivor of the Northern Campaign as a part of Veronica's team. She seems to be on the same level as her captain while fighting the bug-like awakened being. She and Veronica both finished off their target together after Jean and Helen effectively disarmed it. She says she wants to go back south to exact revenge for Veronica and her other fallen comrades. Her personality seems to be ever cheerful and hopeful despite all that she and the group have gone through. Along with Yuma she is accompanying Clare to find Raki in the west. While in a town searching for Raki, Cynthia, together with Clare and Yuma, were able to easily exterminate an Awakened Being present in the town. After the battle, Cynthia tells Clare that visiting the town despite the presence of an Awakened Being was worth it, as there were no casualties in the end. Clare then remarks that she now knows why Cynthia was labeled a 'problem child' and sent to the War In The North.

After the 7 year time frame her Yoki manipulation skills have advanced to the point that she can aid in the healing of another Claymore by manipulating their Yoki.


Claymore character
Created by Norihiro Yagi
Voiced by Akeno Watanabe (Japanese)
Michele Specht (English)
Nicknames None
First Appearance Volume 9 (Manga), Episode 18 (Anime)
Rank Former #31
Type Unknown
Techniques Acute Yoki sensing; Yoki suppression
Post-Timeskip Status Alive / Deserted

Tabitha (タバサ Tabasa?) is Claymore #31. She was on Miria's team and is one of the survivors of the Northern campaign seven years ago. Tabitha is a defensive fighter and, like Galatea, appears to specialize in sensing Yoki accurately enough to distinguish the presence of distant Claymores, fulfilling the role of the 'Eye' for the survivors. She is serious-minded and puts her loyalty to Miria first and foremost.

In Chapter 78 it is revealed that her Yoki sensing capabilities, after the time skip, are almost comparable to Galatea's pre-timeskip. She has decided to stay in Rabona with Miria while the others temporarily leave.


Claymore character
Created by Norihiro Yagi
Voiced by Cherami Leigh (English)
Nicknames None
First Appearance Chapter 50 (Manga) / Episode 19 (Anime)
Rank Former #40
Type Defensive
Techniques Sword Throw; Yoki Sensing; Yoki Suppression; Yoki Manipulation
Status Alive / Deserted

Yuma (ユマ, Yuma?) is Claymore forty of Clare's generation. She is a defensive fighter, who is part of Miria's team during the Northern Campaign. She is one of the seven survivors, and even after their seven years of training, she still feels insecure and weak compared to the other members of the group. She later finds that she has the strength to easily dispatch higher ranking Claymores "Clarice Generation" and awakened beings, and she can throw her sword accurately over long distances (Chapter 83).


In the history of the Organization, there have only been three known cases of Rank #1 warriors Awakening. Known as "The Powerful Three",[26] they are considered the most powerful and dangerous of the Awakened. Fortunately, all three were, at least initially, extremely reclusive, maintaining minimal contact with humans and Claymores. As such, they came to be known as the "Abyssal Ones" (深淵の者 Shin'en no mono?, literally "Persons of the Abyss") (Viz "Creatures of the Abyss"). By chance, the three of them decided to settle in different parts of the country - one in the West, one in the North, and one in the South. This arrangement remained in place for years, ensuring that none of the three would come into contact and sparing the world the devastation that would surely ensue were they to battle. The status quo did not change until Isley, the Abyssal One of the North, began to raise an army of Awakened and expand his influence into the others' realms.

Abyss feeders

Abyss feeders (深淵喰い, shin'en gui) are half-human, half-awakened beings created by the organization out of the corpses of the awakened beings that attacked the headquarter of the organization after the battle for the North. These eleven warriors/beings are trained for a single purpose, to hunt down the Abyssal One Isley. Their eyes and mouths have been sewn shut, the ability to sense and radiate Yoki has been removed and they track their enemies by scent alone.[27] They have been taught that in the case of 6 or more Abyss feeders being killed for the remaining ones to retreat to the organization though to stop Isley killing them all they split up in separate directions. This is so the remaining ones can help create more abyss feeders from the remains of Awakened Beings (the reason for the organizations "hunt all Awakened Beings regardless of requests" stance), Hardly any of the original 11 were still alive when they took down Isley.

After eating Isley, they are used as guides in the organizations attack on Riful to help Alicia and Beth find her using a piece of Riful sliced off by the Clare's squad in their last encounter with Riful as a way for the Abyss feeders to track her.

Despite originally being guides, they are permitted to attack Dauf (even eating one of his arms) in the battle against Riful, and were later used against the spawn of the Destroyer.


Claymore character
Created by Norihiro Yagi
Nicknames Blood Red Agatha
First Appearance Chapter 75 (Manga)
Rank Former #2
Type Unknown
Post-Timeskip Status Awakened / Deceased

Agatha (アガサ Agasa?) was formerly a #2 Claymore, and at an unknown point earned the moniker "Crimson Agatha" (鮮血のアガサ Senketsu no Agasa?). After awakening, she hid in the holy city of Rabona. Eventually, her presence there was discovered by Galatea, who suppressed her Yoki to hide from the Claymore organization. When Galatea is found by Miata and Clarice, she leads them to Agatha, resulting in a three way fight between Miata, Galatea, and Agatha. Agatha is defeated when Clare and her squad of Claymores intervene, cutting up and killing the Awakened Being.

Agatha's favourite tactic is to house the 'core' of her being in seemingly non-vital parts of large bodies, with a decoy in place to trick enemies. The first form she appears in resembles an immense, circular platform supported by 8 crab-like legs, with her 'human' body resting atop it. The human portion proved to be a distraction with her core situated deep within the platform itself. She later fights in a towering humanoid body, but is defeated when the Claymores shear chunks of her form, eventually reaching and killing her core body.

Alicia and Beth

Alicia and Beth
Claymore character
Created by Norihiro Yagi
Nicknames The Black Ones
First Appearance Volume 11 (Manga)
Rank Former #1 and #2
Type Special
Techniques Soul Link
Post-Timeskip Status Awakened / Deceased

Alicia the Black (黒のアリシア kuro no Arishia?) and her identical twin sister Beth (ベス Besu?), known as The Black Ones, were Claymores ranked #1 and #2 in Clare's and Clarice's generations. They were part of an experiment to allow for a Claymore to fully awaken while retaining their humanity. Due to constant training, they can perfectly align their yoki to create a powerful mental link, allowing Alicia to awaken without defecting. They were meant to combat the Abyssal Ones, which included Luciela, who along with her sister, Rafaela, were the first attempt to create a controllable awakened being. Though Alicia and Beth are a considered a success, Miria states that they would not be viable in a real war because Beth is too vulnerable. Beth shows the ability to easily outmaneuver Dauf while retaining the link, though it puts some strain on it. When Beth is impaled by one of the projectiles launched by the fused Awakened Being that was Rafaela and Luciela, Alicia starts losing control and kills the Abyssal Hunters pursuing Riful and Dauf, while Beth is assimilated by the projectile and metamorphoses into an Awakened Being, attacking Yuma and Cynthia.

After Yuma and Cynthia retreat, the Awakened Beth encounters a revitalized Priscilla. Despite Priscilla referring to her as a "baby" and that she has no interest in fighting her, Beth continues to attack. Due to Beth's fight with Priscilla, Alicia's yoki is unstable causing Alicia to hesitate during her confrontation with Riful. Sensing the danger Priscilla poses to Beth, Alicia leaves Riful behind and joins her sister. Alicia then reverts to her Awakened form and she and Beth team up to fight Priscilla. While the twins manage to land several minor blows to Priscilla, they are unable to defeat her. With one quick motion of her hand, Priscilla decapitates Alicia. Seeing her sister die, Beth begins to shed tears. Priscilla comments that even though they were raised to be unemotional tools for the organization, they still have feelings for each other. Beth then attacks Priscilla in a rage, and is killed. She attempts to infect Priscilla with parasitic projectiles, but due to Priscilla's overwhelming strength the projectiles detach and die.


Claymore character
Created by Norihiro Yagi
Voiced by Kenji Hamada (Japanese)
Christopher Ayres (English)
Nicknames None
First Appearance Volume 8 (Manga)
Episode 15 (Anime)
Rank Former #3
Type Offensive
Post-Timeskip Status Awakened / Deceased

Dauf or Duph (ダフ Dafu?) was originally his generation's Claymore #3, surpassed only by Rigaldo and Isley. He is currently Riful's follower and lover, helping her torture captured Claymores and forcing them to Awaken. Dauf, in his Awakened form, is an immense humanoid with tremendous strength and exceptionally hard armour plating. He can form large rods from his armor (usually from his hands, back, and in his mouth), firing them as projectiles. Riful has stated that she made Dauf her lover because he is the only Yoma who could "accept her without breaking". However, for all his physical power, Dauf is rather unintelligent and notably poor at tactics. His regeneration and healing abilities are also very slow. In his first appearance, he managed to fight Clare and Galatea to a standstill, as neither could breach his armor. He was defeated when Jean managed to cut a gaping hole into his chest, nearly killing him. Accordingly, Riful had to intervene to save his life. He is extremely devoted to her and is terrified that she will one day leave him. He assisted Riful in her fight against Alica, Beth & the Abyss feeders, resulting in the loss of his right hand and legs, and suffered even further when Priscilla tore out his innards before killing Riful as he watched. He returned a short time later, holding Riful's upper torso, and smashes Priscilla into the ground, even managing to make her cry out in pain. He has two of the large, parasitic projectiles protruding from his back and chest, and his once-recognizable face now resembles a monstrous skull. Priscilla believes he allowed himself to be hit with the projectiles to avenge Riful. He repeatedly attacked the pinned Priscilla before having his arms destroyed by Priscilla's tentacles. Despite badly injuring Priscilla, he was utterly destroyed at the end of the battle.


Claymore character
Created by Norihiro Yagi
Voiced by Kouji Yusa (Japanese)
John Swasey (English)
Nicknames White Silver King
First Appearance Volume 10 (Manga)
Rank Former #1
Type Offensive
Post-Timeskip Status Awakened / Deceased

Isley (イースレイ Īsurei?), known as the "Silver King" because of his silver hair, he was a former number one Claymore of his generation.He became the Abyssal One of the Northern lands and when he defeated Luciela he became abyssal one of the southern lands. He believes that strength decides who rules, so once he is easily defeated by Priscilla, he decides to do everything he can to make her happy. In order to conceal Priscilla's true power, Isley claims that he was the winner and that she is simply his lover. He eventually decides that the stalemate between the Abyssal Ones is pointless, and gathers an army of Awakened Beings in order to further his territory. He sends his army after a number of Claymores and Riful, and he goes on to battle Luciela for her land. He also comes into contact with Raki and trains him in swordsmanship, commenting that Raki reminds him a lot of how he was in his own youth. Despite viewing them as a makeshift family, even going so far as to repress his hunger to keep Raki safe, he sends him away with Priscilla in order to have them avoid the Abyss Feeders. He spends seven years in his newly conquered land attempting to battle them before eventually being overwhelmed and eaten as the Organization replenishes their numbers without allowing him to restore his own strength.

Isley's human form can manipulate his arms into weapons such as a lance, a bow that can fire organic homing arrows, shield, claw, axe, and a massive broadsword. He has existed for over seventy-eight generations of Claymores, so he is very skilled in swordsmanship. His awakened form resembles a large, sleek, black centaur. He is still able to manipulate his arms into much larger and more powerful weapons, and despite his size, he is extremely fast. In the anime, he is the second most powerful awakened being beside Priscilla.


Luciela (ルシエラ Rushiera?) was Claymore #1 during the same generation her sister, Rafaela, was #2. She and Rafaela were the first attempt at creating controllable Awakened Beings. However, the experiment lost control due to the fact that Rafaela and Luciela were not twins but simply sisters, and she killed more than half of the Organization's warriors and trainees before heading to the South.[28] She fought with Isley over the lands of the South and lost. Just after the battle, she encountered Rafaela, who killed her by breaking her spine.[29] However, Rafaela unconsciously injected all of her life force into Luciela in that instant, and they became merged. Her awakened form is a large, two-tailed creature, slightly feline in appearance, with many mouths on its body.[30]


Claymore character
Created by Norihiro Yagi
Voiced by Emi Shinohara (Japanese)
Luci Christian (English)
Nicknames The Blood-soaked Warrior, Rippling Ophelia
Rank Former #4
Post-Timeskip Status Awakened / Deceased

Ophelia (オフィーリア Ofīria?), known as the blood-soaked warrior (血塗られた凶戦士 chinurareta kyōsenshi?), is Claymore four of Clare's generation, who wishes to kill the "one-horned monster" who killed her brother. She is very powerful, but her mind is very unstable. She displays sadistic and sociopathic tendencies, such murdering humans and fellow Claymores, which is against the tenets of the Organization, and even trying to provoke her colleagues into Awakening just to vent her hatred for Awakened Beings, torturing her opponents and allies alike in battle. She is initially polite towards people, but after her "fun" is ruined, she switches to a very harsh tone. Though her crimes are undiscovered, many Claymores note her monstrous nature.

Ophelia's special fighting technique is "rippling" her sword by waving it back and forth at great speed. This technique is extremely difficult to dodge or block, even for an opponent who can predict her movements. She gives herself the title Rippling Ophelia (漣のオフィーリア sazanami no Ofīria?) after it. She attempts to kill Clare, who had partially Awakened before, but due to help from Ilena (Irene in the manga), she is defeated and badly injured. She flees and later Awaken herself, transforming into a serpentine creature, although she remains oblivious to this despite her hunger for intestines. After realizing that she has Awakened, she allows Clare to kill her and asks her to carry on her hope of killing Priscilla.

The Organization

The Organization leads the Claymores, and it is based in the eastern region of Sutafu. It is led by a number of men, who simply regard Claymores as tools. Miria researches them and deduces that they also created the Yoma. She believes that the landmass that they live on is simply an island used as an experimentation ground to perfect a controlled Awakened Being. She states that there is another country with warring factions of monsters and humans, and that the humans, who have the materials necessary to create the seemingly indestructible swords of Claymores, turn their own soldiers into Awakened Beings in order to combat the draconic monsters of the opposing faction. The Awakened Beings are uncontrollable and often hurt their own side, so the Organization wishes to perfect a way to control them.


Claymore character
Created by Norihiro Yagi
Voiced by Aya Hisakawa (Japanese)
Brina Palencia (English)
First Appearance Volume 4 (Manga)
Episode 7 (Anime)
Rank Former #2
Post-Timeskip Status Awakened / Alive

Priscilla (プリシラ Purishira?) was promoted to Claymore #2 shortly after she joined the organization. She was so powerful that she could fight with her Yoma power almost entirely suppressed, allowing her to conceal her presence from Yoma and fellow Claymores even in the heat of battle. According to Ilena (Irene in the anime), this made her a perfect candidate for fighting Teresa, as Teresa's greatest strength was her ability to sense Yoma energy.

Priscilla became a Claymore after a Yoma posing as her father slaughtered the rest of her family right before her eyes. She chopped off its head while it was eating her sibling's innards. This incident left her mentally traumatized and extremely unstable.

Despite her sheer power and incredible potential as a warrior, Priscilla's youth meant she was still a child, and as such was extremely naive and immature compared to older, more experienced Claymores. She was polite towards her opponents, and felt that battles should always be one-on-one. Her view of the world was entirely black-and-white; a person was either absolutely right, or completely in the wrong, with no middle ground. This belief ultimately led to her mental breakdown when she was soundly defeated by the then-ranked #1, Teresa. That she, a righteous person, had lost to an enemy she considered 'evil', shook her faith and drove her to attack Teresa in a fit of blind rage and self-righteousness. Despite reaching and surpassing her limit by using over 80% of her Yoki, Priscilla was again defeated, even though Teresa had only released 10% of hers. Priscilla begged Teresa to kill her before she fully Awakened, causing Teresa to drop her guard. Priscilla then picked up her claymore and cut off Teresa's arms before decapitating her, though it remains unclear if this was part of a ruse from the start, or if she had genuinely lost control. Immediately following this, she Awoke completely, going on to severely wound Irena and kill Noel and Sophia in front of a horrified Clare before flying off.

As recounted by the Abyssal One Riful, Priscilla then flew North, slaughtering and voraciously eating every man, woman, and boy in the town she passed through. Just as she had spared Clare's life, however, she never once harmed any young girls, as if they "didn't even get reflected in her eyes".[32] Eventually, she came into conflict with Isley and Rigaldo, but defeated them both. In her Awakened form, she destroyed roughly half of Isley's Awakened form during their battle. However, at this crucial junction, Priscilla's body returned to its human form. For unknown reasons, Isley also returned to his human form and swore allegiance to Priscilla. It is widely believed that Isley had defeated Priscilla and made her his lover, instead of the other way around.

As an Awakened One, Priscilla is a winged humanoid about 2 meters tall, with a single horn on her forehead and four wings. Her body channels vast quantities of Yoki, surpassing even that of any of the Abyssal Ones. In addition to vast strength and speed, this also grants her unparalleled regenerative abilities, allowing near-instantaneous regeneration from any wound that is not immediately fatal. Like many Yoma and Awakened Beings, Priscilla can extend her fingers at high speed to strike from a range. Her arms can unravel and extend into tentacles/ribbons that crush and tear her opponents, an ability she used to destroy half of Isley's torso in a split-second despite his bulk. When she turned into an Awakened Being, according to Rubel, all of her latent abilities were released,[33] and probably surpassed Teresa, making Priscilla the most powerful character in the series.[34]

In the current manga, Priscilla appears to have completely mentally regressed into childhood, having lost her memory after subduing Isley. She's often seen wandering off on her own or sticking close by Isley's side. She's also especially attached to Raki, claiming that he has a pleasant smell. Many times during the night, Priscilla would climb into bed with an asleep Raki and fall asleep to the scent of the south that she is so fond of. After the northern campaign, she blindly follows Isley to the south along with Raki. When Riful attempted to finish Isley off after his fight with Luciela, Priscilla stood in front of him to protect him, forcing Riful to retreat, implying that she's still stronger than all the Abyssal Ones in spite of her childlike nature.

After the seven year time skip, Priscilla reappears as Raki's traveling companion, having been exiled by Isley to keep them safe from the Abyss Feeders chasing him. She pointed out a yoma for him when he arrived in his old hometown. When Claymore Number Six Renee confronts and manhandles Raki, Priscilla grabs her arm and terrifies Renee into releasing him. Realizing Priscilla's true nature, Renee questions if Raki is aware that she is an Awakened Being, which Raki tells her he is aware of. Raki also reveals that Priscilla has not eaten human flesh in several years, causing her body to shrink in size. Raki also acknowledges that one day Priscilla won't be able to hold back any longer, and though Raki will try to stop her, he knows he will fail and be eaten.

Shortly after Raki is taken away by the Organization, Priscilla reappears in her adult form and appears to have regained her memories and intellect. She encounters the Awakened Beth and begins to fight her. During the fight, she initially attempts to eat Beth but comments that she isn't very tasty. Then, she tells Beth she has no interest in fighting her stating that "I finally came here today, after this long struggle following the remaining weak smell of that man." Alicia then appears to protect Beth and also unleashes her Awakened form. The Awakened twins manage to land a few minor blows to Priscilla, but they prove no match for her: without transforming, Priscilla decapitates Alicia in a single motion and moves to finish off Beth. She then follows Riful's Yoki, presumably killing both the Abyssal One and Dauf. After that she follows Clare's yoki, meeting with Clare, Deneve and Helen.

Clare, enraged to see the killer of Teresa, raises her yoki level and attempts to strike her down. Clare fails, but before Priscilla kills Clare, she tells Clare that she does not remember her or understands the reason for pursuing Clare's scent. Priscilla attempts to kill Clare, thinking Clare's death would help her remember. This is interrupted by Helen who stretches her arm at an attempt to repel Priscilla. Priscilla then attempts to destroy Helen's arm, but an incoming rod from the destroyer severs Priscilla's hand instead and injures Clare too. Clare is then found to have severe wounds while Priscilla reconstructs her arm. Clare tries to "abandon her humanity" in order to kill Priscilla, but fails because of "Jeans's wedge", which prevents her awakening. Her team then flees with an injured Clare. Priscilla is then attacked by the infected Dauf forcing her to release her power. During the battle her body gets badly hurt, which triggers memories of once fighting Teresa, as she then completely regenerates and pierces Dauf's body to pieces. She chases Clare, intent on killing her, but is attacked by the Destroyer. She captures Helen and Deneve and questions them about Clare's whereabouts, and is enraged when she learns the Destroyer killed Clare and vows to destroy it.


Claymore character
Created by Norihiro Yagi
Voiced by Nana Mizuki (Japanese)
Brittney Karbowski (English)
First Appearance Volume 8 (Manga) Episode 15 (Anime)
Rank Former #1
Post-Timeskip Status Awakened / Deceased

Riful (リフル Rifuru?) is the Abyssal One of the western territory. She was the number one in the first generation of female Claymores and the youngest ever to awaken. She presents herself as cheerful and polite, though she will instantly discard anyone who gets in the way of her goals. She lives with her lover, Dauf, and she constantly attempts to force strong Claymores to awaken, often through torture, in order to increase her companions. She later focuses her interest on matching Isley and Priscilla's power in order to stop them from advancing into her territory, and she finds the merged form of Rafaela and Luciela. She wishes to awaken the new being, and captures Renée for that reason.

Riful's awakened form retains a feminine humanoid form, but one composed of fleshy strips. Her lower body is an immense mass of such strips, which are incredibly resilient and capable of lashing out at high speeds to ensnare or impale her opponents. Her enemies often attempt to attack the humanoid portion, though it simply splits into the strips when attacked.

After Rafaela/Luciela's Awakening and the chaos that ensued, Riful was attacked by the Abyssal Feeders and Alicia, and was rendered too weak to use her Awakened Form and left with one human leg remaining (forcing her to use some of her "tentacles" to help her stay upright). She burst into tears at the thought of dying like this and begged Dauf not to help her in fear of him dying. Before Alicia could kill her, Beth's Awakening and fight against Priscilla caused Alicia to abandon Riful and assist her sister, although she was killed in the process. This doesn't last for long, as Priscilla finds her Yoki and presumably kills Dauf and her. It turns out Dauf lived, but deliberately let himself be infected by the Destroyer's Projectiles according to Priscilla . After a surprise attack on her, where he pounds her into the ground, Dauf throws the top half of Riful's body close to where Helen was standing, though she doesn't seem to notice youki on her.


Claymore character
Created by Norihiro Yagi
Voiced by Hiro Yuuki (Japanese)
Vic Mignogna (English)
Nicknames Silver-Eyed Lion King
First Appearance Volume 10 (Manga)
Episode 20 (Anime)
Rank Former #2
Type Offensive
Post-Timeskip Status Awakened / Deceased

Rigaldo (リガルド Rigarudo?) was the #2 Claymore of his generation before his Awakening, and is from the same generation of Claymores as Isley and Dauf. Rigaldo comes across as calm and composed, but was the most bloodthirsty in Isley's army.[22] Although he did not get along with Isley, he worked for him and Priscilla during the Northern campaign, having been defeated by both.[22] While his nickname was "Silver-Eyed Lion King" (銀眼の獅子王 Gin gan no shishiou?), he disliked it for unknown reasons. His Awakened form resembled a 3 meter tall, silver-eyed humanoid lion, During the Northern Campaign, he was dispatched to kill off the 24 Claymores sent against Isley's army. He deduced Miria's tactic of dividing the Claymores into teams, and began by eliminating the five team captains, who were also the strongest Claymores present. Of the five (Miria, Flora, Jean, Veronica, and Undine), Miria was the only captain to survive his assault. Jean was mortally wounded, while the other 3 were killed instantly. He intentionally ignored the weaker members in favour of focusing solely on the captains, which led to his downfall when Clare went berserk and killed him in her partially-Awakened form.

Being far smaller in stature than the average Awakened being, Rigaldo relied more on his correspondingly superior speed and agility in battle. His speed easily matched that of Miria, one of the fastest Claymores of her generation, and his greater Yoki allowed him to maintain it without tiring. For long-range and surprise attacks, Rigaldo could extend his claws at high speed, much the same way Yoma and other Awakened Beings hyper-extended their fingers. His control over this skill was so great he could bend and change the trajectory of his elongated claws, allowing him to strike opponents above or behind him. In contrast to his offensive capability, Rigaldo was lacking in regenerative powers, and could not regenerate lost limbs quickly.

Supporting characters



Anastasia is Claymore #7 of Clarice's generation. She is known as Winged Anastasia[35] for her ability to fight while seeming to float in the air. Anastasia and her team (Nike, Phina, and Keira) sent to the North after the failure of Nina's team, but are soon recalled to the Organization.[36] On the way, she and her team encounter a group of newly awakened beings.[37] They are rescued by Deneve, Helen, Cynthia, Yuma, Tabitha, and Dietrich.[38] She is able to deduce that they are the survivors of the Northern War, and that they are aiming to destroy the Organization.[39] After Deneve states that though they intend to fight they will not take the life of a warrior,[40] Anastasia states that she will repay her debt to them and show them the route to the Organization.[41] In chapter 113, she and her team join Deneve, Helen, Tabitha, Cynthia, and Yuma in attacking the lab where the Awakened Beings are made.

Anastasia calls her team her friends, and appears to have known Nike for some time. She also appears to have known Dietrich previously, as well, referring to her as "hard-headed" and "stubborn".[42]


Audrey (オードリー Ōdorī?) is Claymore #3. She is a proud but well mannered warrior. She uses her sword to deflect her opponent's attack without opposing it with force. Riful calls this technique a "gentle sword". Audrey's team attempted to take down Riful, but had to be rescued by Clare, Miria, Deneve and Helen. In return, Audrey told them that Galatea was still alive but had gone renegade. She is a close friend of Rachel.


Clarice (クラリス Kurarisu?) replaces Clare as the rank forty-seven of the Claymores. She is an incomplete hybrid, who still retains her original hair color and only has her rank because they are short on warriors. She lacks the fighting strength and abilities of her peers, which causes them to look down on her. She is sent with a group to hunt awakened ones in the north, though the entire team is defeated and saved by Clare's group. She is later assigned to watch over Miata. She and Miata are sent to execute Galatea, however, upon hearing Miria's explanation of the Organizations true motives, she and Miata remain in the church in Rabona with Galatea. when the city is attacked by Yoma and Awakened Beings, she and Miata assist the city's soldiers in destroying the Yoma, while Galatea, Tabitha, Deneve, Helen, Cynthia, Yuma, and Dietrich slay the Awakened Beings. She is now one of the Claymores ally.[43]


Claymore character
Created by Norihiro Yagi
Nicknames Unknown
First Appearance Chapter 68 (Manga)
Rank Former #4
Type Offensive
Techniques Heightened Senses, Acute Yoki Sensing, Brute Strength, Regeneration
Status Alive / Deserted

Miata (ミアータ Miāta?) is the former #4 of the current generation of Claymores. She is very young and has an unstable mind, which if controlled, would have given her the potential to be ranked #1. She has the strength to easily kill yoma with her bare hands, and has incredible regenerative abilities. She also has heightened senses, which allow her to fight instinctively and detect the strength of others without sensing their yoki aura. Miata has an extreme obsession with her parents and imposes this on Clarice, treating her as her mother and attempting to breastfeed on a regular basis to calm herself.

Under the Organization's orders, Miata was partnered up with Clarice, in hopes that Clarice would be able to make her more stable. When Clarice first meets Miata, she realizes that Miata is nothing more than an unstable child, and is frightened by her power.

Due to her heightened senses, Miata was tasked with tracking down and eliminating Galatea, who could not be traced easily because of her constantly suppressed yoki aura. Miata and Clarice eventually find Galatea in Rabona, battling the awakened being Agatha. Galatea revealed that she wanted the Organization to find her, in hopes that they would bring warriors strong enough to kill the awakened being Agatha. Despite this fact, Miata kept following the original mission, which was to kill Galatea. Only the sight of Clarice being attacked by Agatha made her switch targets. Miata, Clarice, and Galatea were saved by the timely arrival of Clare, Miria, and the other survivors of the Northern Campaign, who cooperatively defeated Agatha.

After Agatha's death, Miata and Clarice deserted the Organization and chose to stay in Rabona. They are seen in a church, along with Father Vincent and Galatea. Clarice comically reprimands Miata for not wanting to take a shower.

A few days later, the Organization sent a group of yoma and awakened beings to destroy Rabona. Miata, along with Clarice, Galatea, Tabitha, Yuma, Helen, Deneve, Dietrich, Sid, Galk, and a battalion of soldiers, manage to kill the yoma and awakened beings without suffering any casualties.

Miata is completely focused in battle and doesn't seem to get along with people she doesn't know. She is shown to be relentless when attacking her foes, not backing down until they are dead. However, she has formed a strong, daughter-like attachment to Clarice.


Claymore character
Created by Norihiro Yagi
Nicknames Tracker/Persistent Dietrich[44]
First Appearance Volume 16, Chapter 85 (Manga)
Rank #8
Type Unknown
Post-Timeskip Status Alive / Deserted

Dietrich (ディートリヒ Dītorihi?) is the current generation's #8. She is introduced leading an awakened being hunt, when her underpowered team is at a disadvantage because of poor tactics. She is then saved by the intervention of Helen and Deneve. She appears to have good deductive skills and a serious mind, because she immediately analyzes Helen and Deneve's goals and then prioritizes the safety of her teammates.[45] Her skill surprises Helen and Deneve as she evades being knocked unconscious,[46] saves Helen and demonstrates either a strong improvised attack or unnamed skill of using the enemies body as a spring board to jump higher than normal. Then, using that height and the power of gravity, she cuts the enemy in half with a downward slash.[47]

When Helen and Deneve ask that she not mention them to the Organization, she states that she has sworn never to tell a lie to them and must tell them if they ask her.[48] However, out of a sense of debt to the duo, she decides to stick with Helen and Deneve and warns them of the Abyss Feeders and developments in the South and explains everything about the Abyss Feeders and how they target the Abyssal Ones.

She leaves the company of Helen and Deneve, and arrives in Rabona upon Deneve's request to update Miria and Tabitha about the developments regarding Isley and the new Abyss Feeders. However, she declined further information to Miria upon further questioning, expressing loyalty to the Organization, and stating that her delivery of the message to Miria is simply a means to repay her debt to Deneve and Helen.[49]

She has been described as "persistent" and "following instructions to the letter" by Galatea, who calls her "Tracker Dietrich", as she has been previously involved in tracking down of Galatea.[44] Anastasia also calls her "hard-headed" and "stubborn",[42]

As of chapter 102 it's revealed she had been demoted for failing a mission (former rank unknown). Furthermore she saves Yuma by getting the Abyssal Feeders and Hellcats to fight.[50] She accompanies Deneve, Helen, Cynthia, and Yuma back to Rabona where they find the city under attack from Yoma and Awakened Beings. Together with the renegade Claymores and the city's guards, she defends Rabona from the attack.[24]

In chapter 109, she reveals to the renegade Claymores that her homeland was destroyed by Yoma and awakened beings after an argument related to the payment for the hunting of a Yoma. She was saved from the destruction by a member of the Organization, and believing that she owed her life to him, she swore to give her life for the Organization.[51] After witnessing the attack on Rabona, she joins the renegade Claymores in hope of finding out the truth about the Organization.[52]


Claymore character
Created by Norihiro Yagi
Voiced by Miyu Matsuki (Japanese)
Trina Nishimura (English)
Nicknames Windcutter Flora
First Appearance Chapter 50 (Manga) / Episode 18 (Anime)
Rank Former #8
Type Offensive
Techniques Windcutter
Status Deceased

Windcutter Flora (風斬りのフローラ kazekiri no Furōra?) was a Claymore ranked #8 in Clare's generation. She was known for her sword-drawing technique, which was considered to be the fastest draw of any Claymore. She was a division captain during the Northern Campaign, overseeing Clare and several other Claymores. She appeared to be soft-spoken and polite, even when trying to impose strict discipline.

As a division captain during the Northern Campaign, Flora led the following Claymores: Lily (#18), Wendy (#30), Karla (#39), and Clare (#47). During the first battle, Flora was unwilling to rely on Clare and Karla due to their low rank and lack of power and speed. She tried to finish the battle as quickly as possible, but the awakened being her team was against evaded her attacks. Flora kept attacking, but was almost killed by strike from behind by Karla, whose limbs were being manipulated by the awakened being. It used its yoki-controlling abilities to pin Flora and the rest of the team down, putting them at Karla's mercy. Clare then used her Quick Sword to break the ground, freeing the team from the awakened being's control.

Undine's team arrived afterward, with Undine and Deneve eventually managing to sever the awakened being's head. However, the creature was still alive and attempted to force Wendy and Juliana to kill each other by controlling their limbs. Flora used her Windcutter, assisted by Clare's Quick Sword, to shred the awakened being's head to pieces, saving the two Claymores.

After the first skirmish, Flora challenged Clare to a duel in order to test her Windcutter against the latter's Quick Sword. After the duel, it was determined that Flora's Windcutter was slower, but more precise, than Clare's Quick Sword. After the confrontation, Flora surrendered the title of "fastest swordsman" to Clare.

In the second skirmish, Flora was left to be guarded by Clare on the orders of Jean, who realized that Rigaldo was killing team captains to weaken the overall coordination of the Claymores. When Rigaldo attacked Jean, Clare, in a fit of rage, abandoned her post to help her. Flora was then left unprotected and at the mercy of Rigaldo. Before she could draw her sword, Flora was impaled through the forehead and brutally sliced in half by Rigaldo, with little effort on the latter's part.

After the seven-year time skip, Clare, in memory of Flora, was shown to have mastered Flora's Windcutter, utilizing it effectively during her battle with the awakened being Agatha.


Claymore character
Created by Norihiro Yagi
Voiced by Ai Orikasa (Japanese)
Colleen Clinkenbeard (English)
Nicknames God Eye Galatea
First Appearance Chapter 30 (Manga) / Episode 10 (Anime)
Rank Former #3
Type Defensive
Techniques Unparalleled Yoki Sensing; Yoki Manipulation
Status Alive / Deserted

God Eye Galatea (ガラテア Garatea?) is Claymore number three of Clare's generation, who acts as the Organization's "eye." She is a master of sensing Yoki, being able to sense other Claymores from a long distance, read their emotions, and see their actions as if she were near. She can also control other people's actions by subtly manipulating their Yoki flows, and the strength obtained by releasing her Yoki is the highest among all forty-seven warriors of her time. She hates using the power, as it detracts from her personal view of her own beauty. She is sent on a mission to retrieve Clare, and after fighting against Dauf alongside Clare and Jean, she decides to abandon her mission.

Over time, Galatea becomes disgusted with the organization, so they decide to start training someone to take her place. She still follows them until the Northern Campaign's aftermath. After leaving, she intentionally blinds herself, which increases her ability to sense Yoki, and goes to live as a nun in Rabona. She is sought out seven years later for execution by Miata and Clarice, having intentionally leaked her energy in order to have backup to slay Agatha. They give up after the battle and stay in the church with her instead.


Claymore character
Created by Norihiro Yagi
Voiced by Komina Matsushita (Japanese)
Colleen Clinkenbeard (English)
Nicknames None
First Appearance Extra Scene 2 (Manga) / Episode 11 (Anime)
Rank Former #6
Type Offensive
Techniques Unknown
Status Deceased

Hilda was a Claymore ranked #6 during Miria's generation. She was kind and caring, helping a relatively inexperienced Miria during her first hunt for an awakened being.

During the awakened being hunt, Miria, ranked #17 at the time, was assigned to Hilda's group. After making short work of the awakened being, Hilda encouraged her younger companion to work on her technique and become stronger. They vowed to fight together the next time they met. During this time, Hilda and Miria became close friends.

At some point during her employment as a Claymore, Hilda had begun to reach her limit, and was close to awakening. During this time, Miria was ranked #8 in the Organization. Hilda began searching for Miria in order to give her a black card, a tool used by the Organization to prevent Claymores from becoming awakened beings. The sender gives this card to a trusted ally, and the recipient has no choice but to kill the sender in order to prevent him or her from awakening.

Hilda, almost reaching her limit, ultimately failed to give her black card directly to Miria, in part due to her struggling to retain her human self. Instead, she gave her black card to Ophelia, begging her to deliver it to Miria on her behalf. Ophelia, delighted at the chance to fight an awakened being of Hilda's caliber, tore the black card to pieces. Some time after this, Hilda awakened, failing in her promise to fight alongside Miria.

Hilda, now an awakened being resembling a mummified giant, was hunted by an unknowing Miria and Ophelia. She did not retaliate when they attacked, allowing Ophelia to strike her several times. This is because Hilda recognized Miria, and wanted herself to die at her hands, as per the terms of the black card that the latter failed to receive. Miria, baffled, but at the same time taking advantage of Hilda's pacifism, swooped in and sliced off her head. At that moment, Miria realized that the one she had just killed was her former comrade, ironically fulfilling the promise that the both of them would fight together again.

After realizing that it was Hilda she had just killed, Miria, in a fit of rage and sadness, temporarily lost control of her yoki aura, which resulted in her partially awakening. Miria, unwilling to give in to Ophelia's taunts, prevented herself from fully awakening, albeit with great difficulty. From that point on, Miria began to despise the Organization in secret.

Years later, Miria stumbled across Hilda's sword, which the latter lost after her awakening. Miria placed the sword in the location where Hilda died, in memory of her friend.


Claymore character
Created by Norihiro Yagi
Voiced by Minami Takayama (Japanese)
Wendy Powell (English)
Nicknames Quick Sword Irene
First Appearance Chapter 18 (Manga) / Episode 7 (Anime)
Rank Former #2, #3
Type Offensive
Techniques Quick Sword, Acute Yoki Sensing, Yoki Indentification, Yoki Suppression, Minor Regeneration, Partial Awakening of Limbs
Status Unknown / Deserted

Quick Sword Ilene (高速剣のイレーネ kōsokuken no Irēne?) was a Claymore previously ranked #2, second only to Teresa, but was demoted to #3 after a young Priscilla rapidly rose in the ranks. She was well-known for her ability to awaken both of her arms while keeping the awakening from spreading to the rest of her body, resulting in her great speed in wielding a sword, a feat which earned her the title Quick Sword Ilene. She made acquaintances of Teresa, Sophia, and Noel during her employment, although it is implied that she had been friends with Teresa beforehand.

Along with Sophia, Noel, and Priscilla, Ilene was sent by the Organization to kill Teresa. However, the group ultimately failed in killing her, and it caused Priscilla to awaken. Teresa was ultimately killed by Priscilla, along with Noel and Sophia. Ilene lost her left arm attempting to stop the newly awakened Priscilla, and was nearly killed herself. However, she survived, feigning death by suppressing her yoki aura. She deserted the Organization afterward and secluded herself in a far-off valley surrounded by mountains, suppressing her yoki to the point that no one would be able to detect her aura.

Years later, when the battling Ophelia and Clare approached her hiding place, Ilene sensed Clare's aura, which was almost identical to Teresa's, though at first she mistook her for Teresa herself. Ophelia proceeded to attack Ilene for interrupting her as she was about to kill the armless Clare. Ilene easily deflected her Rippling Sword with her Quick Sword. She severely wounded Ophelia, and took Clare in after she had lost consciousness. Ilene forcefully persuaded Clare to stay, as the latter needed more time to recuperate. Afterward, Ilene questioned Clare about her motives for becoming a Claymore. Ilene correctly deduced that Clare wants to avenge Teresa. Ilene tried to dissuade her from hunting Priscilla by showing her the socket on her own shoulder where her left arm used to be. She told her that even as a former #2 who possessed much more power than Clare, she is still unable to match Priscilla's strength and speed. However, when Clare told her that Teresa had been the only person who gave her hope when she had lost everything, Ilene decided to teach Clare the Quick Sword.

It became clear to Ilene that Clare would never be able to truly master the Quick Sword, since she was not made for it. However, she continued to teach her for a day. That night, she gave Clare her old Claymore uniform and talked about Teresa. She told Clare that Teresa's death had partly been her fault, because Clare rekindled the dormant emotions within Teresa that caused the latter to hesitate to kill Priscilla. Ilene then encouraged Clare to live on, since she was the only proof that Teresa ever existed. The following day, she completed her Quick Sword lessons with Clare, and, as a parting gift, sliced off her own remaining arm for Clare to use in place of her own lost arm. She insisted that Clare keep it, saying that Clare needed it more than she did.

After Clare left, a helpless Ilene was confronted by Rafaela, who was bound by the Organization to kill her. She never showed regret for her decision to give her arm to Clare, or to use her Quick Sword, a technique that would release her yoki and make her detectable to other Claymores. Though her death is implied (as Clare is leaving Ilene's dwelling, she notes that her arm reacts - this roughly coincides with Ilene's encounter with Rafaela), it has not yet been confirmed.

Ilene is a calm, calculating, and intelligent warrior, and is also an excellent strategist. This suits her Quick Sword, which requires calmness and the total suppression of emotions. However, it is implied that she envied Teresa for having someone she loved. She displayed a fear of dying by deserting the Organization after losing her arm to Priscilla. However, she became unafraid to sacrifice herself, shown when she gave her one remaining arm to Clare.


Claymore character
Created by Norihiro Yagi
Voiced by Kotono Mitsuishi (Japanese)
Laura Bailey (English)
Nicknames None
First Appearance Chapter 41 (Manga) / Episode 15 (Anime)
Rank Former #9
Type Offensive
Techniques Drill Sword, Extraordinary Willpower
Status Deceased

Jean (ジーン Jīn?) is Claymore #9 and an offensive fighter. Her "Drill Sword" technique, based on storing energy by twisting her arm up to 21 times and releasing it in one burst, is said to be the most destructive among her peers. She is serious and strictly honorable.

Jean and her team members (Katea, Raquel, and an unnamed Claymore) are captured by Dauf and Riful during an Awakened Being hunt, which turns out to be an ambush. After prolonged torture, she completely awakens, but is able to revert back to human form by virtue of her extraordinary willpower and Clare's help. She then decides to pay back the life debt she now owes Clare, choosing to serve her for life.

In the Northern Campaign, Miria gives her the position of division captain. Her team includes Eliza (#17), Emelia (#27), Natalie (#37), and Diana (#44). After Clare kills Rigaldo and is pleading for death due to passing her limit, a dying Jean, with a hole in her stomach area, uses the last of her strength in order to help Clare revert back, thus fulfilling her pledge. In the anime, this occurs after Clare's battle with Priscilla. No one from her team survived the Northern Campaign.

Her Awakened form resembled a butterfly with many veins connecting to its wings.


Nina (ニーナ Nīna?) is the current generation's #9 . She is cold and harsh, skilled in tactics, but a poor strategist. She is the captain of a team, including Clarice, assigned to kill an awakened one. However, they are ambushed and overpowered by three awakened ones. They were rescued by the surviving Claymores from seven years ago. After returning to the organization she is assigned to a different area, and #7 is sent to the North.

Nina calls her attack "Shadow Chaser", as it tracks opponents' yoki with her blade and attacks the opponent, not stopping until its completely destroyed its target.


Claymore character
Created by Norihiro Yagi
Nicknames None
First Appearance Chapter 68 (Manga)
Rank Current #5
Type Offensive
Techniques Strong Sword
Status Alive

Rachel (レイチェル Reicheru?) is a Claymore ranked #5. Her attitude is the opposite of Audrey. She is hot tempered and confrontational. She can perform a very powerful attack by restraining the blade of her sword (in the ground for instance) and then applying a large amount of pressure before releasing it from the restraint like a spring. This move can also be performed off the ground with the help of another comrade's blade to act as the restraint for Rachel's sword. Riful calls this technique a "strong sword".


Claymore character
Created by Norihiro Yagi
Voiced by Satsuki Yukino (Japanese)
Kate Oxley (English)
Nicknames None
First Appearance Chapter 38 (Manga) / Episode 14 (Anime)
Rank Former #2, #5
Type Offensive
Techniques Yoki Suppression, Tracking
Status Deceased

Rafaela (ラファエラ Rafaera?) was a Claymore ranked #2 in Luciela's generation and #5 in Clare's generation. She was one of the longest living Claymores, disregarding awakened beings.

Rafaela and her elder sister Luciela were part of the Organization's first attempt at linking the souls of two Claymores to produce a controllable awakened being. However, the experiment would ultimately end in failure, causing Luciela to awaken and decimate more than half of the Organization's forces. Luciela managed to escape, but not before being confronted by Rafaela. During the battle, Rafaela lost her left eye, which she decided not to regenerate. After the incident, Rafaela, because of her "weak heart" and failure to perform a successful soul link with her sister, was stripped of her rank and ousted from the Organization. In reality, she had been ousted in order to prevent any risk of her awakening and causing the same destruction to the Organization that Luciela did. Rafaela was allowed live in the towns surrounding the Organization in disguise, with her yoki aura completely suppressed.

During her exile, Rafaela heard rumors that the Organization abducted twins from a family called the Zemas. These twins, Alicia and Beth, would ultimately succeed where Rafaela and her sister could not: creating a successful soul link and a controllable awakened being. Rafaela also ran into Teresa as a trainee, and was amazed that she could survive on her own in a yoma-infested wilderness.

On a stormy night, Rubel finds Rafaela taking shelter in a small cave. There, she is informed that Teresa, Ilene, Sophia, and Noel have been killed and Priscilla had awakened. Rubel mentions that Priscilla will break the deadlock between the three Abyssal Ones (Luciela, Riful, and Isley), and that the one most likely to be killed first is Luciela. Since the Organization lost many powerful warriors at the time, Rubel invites Rafaela back in exchange for information regarding her older sister. Rafaela accepts the offer and Rubel correctly guesses the reason: she feels that there is one last thing she has to do. Rafaela wishes to find her sister, who she believes she had failed, and, instead of a futile attempt to revert her back to her human form, kill her.

Rafaela, now ranked #5 in the Organization, was ordered to kill Ilene, who faked her death in the hands of Priscilla, deserted the Organization, and suppressed her yoki aura. Rafaela discovered Ilene's location when the latter used her Quick Sword to train Clare. Although Rafaela was implied to have killed Ilene, her death is unconfirmed.

Rafaela was also seen as Clare's tracker. She brings Rubel with her, who warns Clare not to attempt any resistance, as the difference between Rafaela's and Clare's power was too great at the time.

After Luciela's defeat at the hands of Isley, Rafaela manages to find her sister, severely weakened from the battle and unable to maintain her awakened form. Rafaela runs to her sister, hugging her and apologizing for her weakness in the past. Luciela mistakes this as an apology for her defeat against Isley and tries to persuade Rafaela to awaken so that the both of them could destroy Isley. In response, Rafaela releases her yoki and breaks her sister's spine, killing her.

Rafaela is not mentioned again until after the seven-year time skip, when Audrey informed Clare that she was rumored to have died. In reality, Rafaela, due to her great love for Luciela, subconsciously injected all of her life force into Luciela's dead body, and the two have been merging in a vegetative state for the past seven years. Their merging bodies were found by Riful shortly after Luciela's confrontation with Isley. Riful, wanting to take advantage of the new being that will result from the merged bodies, captures Renée, hoping that her abilities as the Organization's Eye would be enough to release their dormant power. Moments prior to the merged bodies' awakening, Clare is mysteriously transported into the deep recesses of Rafaela's consciousness, and within, encounters fragments of Rafaela's mind, as well as a hallucination of her deceased friend Jean. Rafaela and Clare do battle, and ironically, Clare, with her acquired strength over the past seven years, uses the Quick Sword to kill her. Before fading into nothingness, Rafaela warns Clare that she has committed a grave mistake, then entrusts Clare with all of her memories. Clare manages to escape Rafaela's fading mind, and shortly after, the merged bodies of Rafaela and Luciela fully awaken.

The new being, dubbed the Destroyer, is an immensely powerful entity that resembles the statue of the goddesses Teresa and Clare. Absent of any will to control itself, the Destroyer's sole objective is to wreak havoc. It releases parasites in the form of rods that cause any being they impale to slowly morph into a weaker variant of Luciela's feline awakened form. The Destroyer's yoki aura easily surpasses that of the Abyssal Ones. After being attacked by an awakened Priscilla, the conjoined form is revealed to be an exoskeleton; the Destroyer's true form is revealed to be a dark, swirling mass of flesh and bodies that drains the life of anything it comes in contact with.


Renée (ルネ Rune?) is the new "Eye" of the organization. Although mentioned earlier, she is first seen when she encounters Raki in chapter 81. She questions him about Priscilla and himself and in exchange answers questions about Clare. (However she knows nothing about her and said she is most likely dead.) After leaving the town, Renée encounters Riful and ends up captured. However Riful does not intend to make her turn into an Awakened Being, she just wants to make use of Renée's yoki manipulation abilities on the now merged Luciela and Rafaela to make them awaken.

Renee is believed to have been killed by Riful as she was trying to escape from the awakening process of Luciela and Rafaela. However, before escaping Riful's lair, she took a yoki suppression pill, which caused Riful to stop sensing her. She then runs out of the lair while Riful and Dauf chase her. It is believed that Riful killed her, as Riful states that she could have been more considerate if Renee had told her how powerful the Destroyer was.


Sophia is from Teresa's generation of Claymores and is ranked at #3. She has a petty rivalry with Noel, as they constantly bicker about who is #3 and #4. Because of her brute strength, she is known as "Muscular Sophia". She is one of the soldiers sent to kill Teresa. After Teresa is beheaded by Priscilla, Irene, Noel and Sophia charge towards an Awakened Priscilla to kill her. However, Sophia and Noel are both killed instantly due to Priscilla's fingers.


Claymore character
Created by Norihiro Yagi
Voiced by Romi Park (Japanese)
Christine Auten (English)
Nicknames Teresa of the Faint Smile, Smiling Teresa
First Appearance Chapter 12 (Manga) / Episode 5 (Anime)
Rank Former #1
Type Offensive
Techniques Unparalleled Yoki Sensing
Status Deceased

Teresa of the Faint Smile (微笑のテレサ bishō no Teresa?), known for effortlessly slaying enemies with a faint smile on her face, is the strongest warrior of her generation. She is considered to be the most powerful Claymore of all time. She is much faster, stronger, and more agile than those below her, but her real strength lies in her unparalleled ability to sense the yoki of her opponents. She can sense it to the point where she can accurately predict her opponent's moves in battle. Teresa is never seen using more than ten percent of her yoki in battle. This portion of her power was barely enough to change her eye color from silver to yellow. However, she still manages to annihilate her opponents with ease. Before becoming a Claymore, Teresa was referred to as a problem child by her handlers during her training, often running away from her masters.

Teresa's early life is vague. She mentions that her parents named her after one of the twin goddesses of love. During her youth, Teresa had black hair, which she believed to be her best feature. At some point in her life, she was sold into the Organization by the people she trusted (whether that is her family or the village she originated from, it is never clarified).

During one of her escapades as a trainee, Teresa encountered Rafaela, who was in exile at the time, living in the towns surrounding the Organization's base of operations. Rafaela was amazed that Teresa could survive on her own in a yoma infested wilderness.

Shortly afterward, Teresa completed her training, and she was inducted as one of the 47 Claymores guarding the separate regions of the island. During this time, she made acquaintances of Irene, Sophia, and Noel, although it is implied that she had been friends with Irene beforehand.

As a Claymore, Teresa quickly rose to the position of #1, demoting Rosemary, the previous #1, in the process. Angered by Teresa's promotion, Rosemary awakened, and intended to kill Teresa in a secluded area. Teresa was given Rosemary's Black Card, unaware of the latter's true intentions. Shortly afterward, the two battled each other. Despite facing Rosemary as an awakened being, Teresa never used more than ten percent of her full power. Rosemary, thinking that she had the upper hand, was baffled by the massive surge of yoki emanating from Teresa. Subsequently, Rosemary was sliced to pieces, with minimal effort on Teresa's part.

Because of her ability to effortlessly pinpoint any being possessing yoki, Teresa was often assigned by the Organization to exterminate yoma from village to village. While in the village of Teo, Teresa senses and kills six yoma. However, she senses a seventh. She spots the yoma hiding behind a young girl, apparently using her as a barricade to deter Teresa's ability to sense yoki. Teresa appears behind the yoma, and with one quick stroke, perforates it.

The following day, as Teresa was preparing to leave the village, the mysterious girl that she had saved the day earlier walks up to her. The girl proceeded to hug her, but Teresa, without displaying any emotion, kicks her out of the way. The young girl approached Teresa several times, and several times Teresa kicked her. The village elder explains to Teresa that the girl had been brought to the village by the yoma. Judging from the numerous scars and wounds on her body, the elder deduces that the young girl had been abused by the same yoma. Furthermore, he explains that she is also mute. Because of these, he continued that no one in the village would want to adopt her. The young girl follows Teresa as she leaves the village, and despite Teresa's rebuffs to the mysterious girl's attempts at affection, the girl persists. The girl follows Teresa through the wilderness, and despite Teresa's initial irritation, she eventually grows fond of her. The next morning, Teresa decides to call the girl Clare, after one of the twin goddesses of love. Although she could not speak, the girl indicates that Clare is her real name.

That night, Teresa and Clare were ambushed by a group of bandits. One of the bandits attempted to snatch Clare away from Teresa. However, Teresa, easily sensing the bandit's presence, sliced off one of his hands in retaliation. The leader of the bandits talked about raping Teresa, taking advantage of the fact that Claymores are forbidden by the Organization from harming any human being. Teresa laughs and says that if they had made their objective clear from the very beginning, she wouldn't have resisted. She then opens her clothes and reveals her body, inviting the bandits to rape her if they still wish to do so. Although her body is not shown, the bandits are so disgusted by it that they leave.

Teresa tells Clare that she will leave her in the next village that they come to. Clare protests, not wanting to leave Teresa, and cries herself to sleep. Teresa, having sensed the man that she injured earlier following them, leaves Clare sleeping by the fire and calls him out. The man appears and attempts to rape Teresa, saying that he wants to make her suffer as payback for his lost hand. However, Teresa tells him that she really doesn't care what he does. Clare, having heard their conversation, appears behind the bandit and smashes a fallen tree branch on the side of the his head. The bandit then attacked Clare, hitting and kicking her. However, Teresa grabbed the man's sword and pointed it at the side of his neck, threatening to kill him if he so much as harmed a single hair on Clare's head. The man replies maniacally, telling Teresa that Claymores are forbidden from harming humans. Teresa calmly disregards this, saying that whether or not she harms a human is her choice and her choice alone. The man, fearing death, runs away.

Teresa tells Clare that it is her own fault, and that she didn't care what happened to her, and that Clare did not need to interfere. Clare runs to Teresa and hugs her, and speaks for the first time, asking if the scars and deformities visible under Teresa's torn clothes hurt her. She responds that it doesn't, but Clare continues to cry, and says that she from the moment she saw Teresa, she knew that she was sad and that they both shared the same pain. Clare awakens Teresa's lost compassion, and Teresa cries and hugs Clare.

From this point onward, Teresa openly shows her affection to Clare without holding back her emotions (i.e. buying her clothes and allowing her to sleep on her lap), but eventually, she leaves Clare in a village, believing that a normal life with humans would still be better for her. However, the village is soon raided by bandits and Teresa rushes back to save her. Seeing Clare's bloodied form, Teresa flies into a rage and kills the bandits, breaking the rule that a Claymore should never kill humans, no matter what the circumstances.

Teresa is then marked for death by the Organization. However, she cuts down the Claymores who come after her, without killing them, and states that she has decided to live for Clare's sake. In response, the Organization gathers the numbers 2 through 5 (Irene, Noel, Sophia, and the new recruit Priscilla) in order to execute Teresa. Although having some difficulty against Priscilla at first, she still easily overpowers all four of the Claymores. Despite knowing that Priscilla was powerful enough that she might one day surpass her, she didn't kill any of the Claymores because of the time spent with Clare made her heart "lose the toughness of a warrior". Priscilla continues to chase after her, outraged at being defeated by someone she considers evil, but despite releasing more than 80% of her power, is unable to defeat Teresa. As she awakens, Priscilla begs to be slain so that she will not become a yoma. Teresa drops her guard, and is then slain by Priscilla. Clare takes Teresa's severed head and convinces a member of the Organization to use it in place of a Yoma to turn her into a Claymore.


Claymore character
Created by Norihiro Yagi
Voiced by Rie Ishizuka (Japanese)
Clarine Harp (English)
Nicknames Undine of the Twin Swords
First Appearance Chapter 51 (Manga) / Episode 18 (Anime)
Rank Former #11
Type Offensive
Techniques Muscle Enhancement, Extraordinary Physical Strength, Dual Wielding
Status Deceased

Undine of the Twin Swords (双剣のウンディーネ sōken no Undīne?) was a Claymore ranked #11 in Clare's generation. She was noted for her brash and aggressive nature. Undine had long, pale hair which she tucked behind her ears. She wore the standard Claymore uniform and appeared as a bulky, muscular woman. However, her muscles were due to shapeshifting; her natural form was small and delicate. She wielded two swords, the second sword originating from a close friend who she had failed to save.

Undine was selected as one of the 24 Claymores to take part in the Northern Campaign. She was made into one of the five captains because of her high ranking, leading Deneve, Zelda (#24), Claudia (#36), and Juliana (#43). She battled a reptilian yoki-manipulating awakened being, who tried to force her to decapitate herself by controlling the yoki that flowed in her limbs. However, Undine used her brute strength to resist the attack, only slicing her cheeks in the process. The awakened being then tried to pin her down, but again she used her muscles to stand back up. Undine kept attacking, but did not realize that the awakened being had been manipulating her yoki and that she had almost passed her limit. Deneve kicks her out the way just in time, preventing her from awakening. When Deneve failed to decapitate the awakened being, Undine lunged forward and placed her swords over Deneve's. Using her extraordinary strength to push Deneve's sword through the awakened being's neck, Undine managed to sever it.

Undine openly criticized Miria's decision to pit the weaker Claymores against awakened beings, when the latter had known all along that they could have been killed during the first skirmish. However, Undine was proven wrong, as there were no casualties during the first battle. Flora also interjected, telling Undine that the weaker Claymores needed the experience of fighting an awakened being on the battlefield, and the lesser Claymores, as a result, had become better prepared for future battles. Undine finally gave in to Flora's reasoning, but warned the rest of the Claymores that she doesn't want to be burdened mentally by the death of a friend.

During that same night, Deneve discovered Undine crying in one of the supply houses, her body lacking any of the bulk and muscle that it originally had. Deneve deduced that as a young Claymore, a friend had died protecting Undine, and out of shame, the latter had developed the attitude and build that she possessed. Deneve correctly guessed that the other sword that Undine carried was the sword of that same Claymore. Deneve continued that because of this traumatizing experience, Undine often bullies weaker Claymores, telling them to stay out of her way and out of the battle. However, this was only because of the fact that she cares for them and worries about their safety. After deducing the causes of Undine's behavior, Deneve told her about her own past, and the two of them earned mutual respect towards one another.

Prior to the second skirmish, Miria gave every warrior half of a yoki pill each, telling them that it would not make them weaker, but rather, it would render their yoki aura unreadable once they are knocked unconscious, simulating a state of death. Undine approved of this strategy, commenting that the tactic gave every Claymore, regardless of rank, an equal chance of survival. Afterwards, Miria prayed for the Claymores' survival.

During the second skirmish, the Claymores were overwhelmed by the sheer number of awakened beings that assaulted them. Undine and the surviving Claymores witnessed firsthand the power of Rigaldo. However, Undine did not realize that Rigaldo was targeting the five captains in order to weaken the overall coordination of the Claymores. Subsequently, Undine was torn to pieces by Rigaldo, with little effort on the latter's part. Deneve, after witnessing this, rushed to her mutilated body and lamented on how she wasn't able to protect her, mirroring the circumstance with Undine's friend.

After the Northern Campaign, Deneve used the sword of Undine's friend as Undine's grave marker. She subsequently took Undine's own sword with her, in memory of her captain, comrade, and friend.

Undine was notably brash and aggressive, and many of her fellow Claymores appeared to fear or dislike her. She was particularly tough on low ranked Claymores, but it is revealed that this was only because of her desire to protect those weaker than herself. She appeared to be a loyal friend, as she constantly carried her deceased friend's sword, never letting go of it even as she was being bested by the reptilian awakened being. She kept holding on to her deceased friend's sword even as she was being torn to pieces by Rigaldo.


Father Vincent

Father Vincent
Claymore character
Created by Norihiro Yagi
Voiced by Chuck Huber (English)
First Appearance Chapter 5 (Manga) / Episode 3 (Anime)
Affiliation Holy City of Rabona
Status Alive

Father Vincent is a priest of the Holy City of Rabona. He is one of the few people in Rabona who don't see Claymores as evil beings. A bald, middle aged man, he is dressed in religious vestments and wears a gold chain with a cross around his neck.

Father Vincent is first introduced when Clare and Raki travel to Rabona in order to kill a yoma that had been eating the priests and soldiers of his church. It is later revealed that he was the one who hired Clare. Many of the priests, seeing Claymores as evil entities, opposed his decision to hire one, but Father Vincent explains to them that it is the only way to protect Rabona. Before Clare goes to battle the yoma, she asks Father Vincent to take care of Raki should she die. Although he was initially hesitant, Father Vincent agrees to take care of him. He helps bandage the wounds of Clare, Galk, and Sid after the battle. While tending to Clare's wounds, he sees her scarred body, which deeply shocks him, but he continues to bandage her anyway.

After the seven-year time skip, Father Vincent has hired Galatea as a nun, although he initially did not know that she was formerly a Claymore. With Galatea under the name Sister Latea, Father Vincent was surprised when he realized that she is a former Claymore, and was baffled by her agility when she began to fight Miata, who was tasked by the Organization to kill her. Father Vincent also did not understand why Miata kept attacking Galatea while the awakened being Agatha was wreaking havoc, as his presumption was that the existence of Claymores was solely for the extermination of yoma. With the timely arrival of Clare, Miria, and the rest of the survivors of the Northern Campaign, Agatha was cooperatively defeated, and Rabona was saved.

After the battle, Father Vincent looked genuinely happy to see Clare. He helped bandage the wounded, and was no longer surprised to see the scarred, deformed body of a Claymore, something which surprised Galatea. He allowed Miata, Clarice, and the rest of the warriors to stay in Rabona, and also let Galatea keep her position as a nun.

Father Vincent is one of very few people who believe that Claymores are not evil, although he fears them to an extent. Like Galatea, he cares about Rabona a lot, evidenced when he hired a Claymore for help despite protests from the other priests.


Claymore character
Created by Norihiro Yagi
Voiced by Kazuma Horie (Japanese)
Christopher Sabat (English)
First Appearance Chapter 5 (Manga) / Episode 3 (Anime)
Affiliation Holy City of Rabona
Weapons Long Sword
Status Alive

Galk is one of the captains of the holy city of Rabona, and is very close to fellow warrior Sid. He is the older and wiser of the two. A muscular man with short hair, he is almost always seen wearing a full suit of armor.

Galk is first seen fighting against Clare with Sid, while on patrol. When Clare was injured by the yoma she was assigned to kill, Galk was the one who insisted that she be given medical attention. He claims that he will not allow Clare to die until he settles the debt that was made when Clare saved his life from the yoma that she was tasked with killing. After fully recovering, Clare resumes her mission to kill the yoma. However, it was far more powerful than she expected, leaving Galk and Sid with no other choice but to assist her in slaying it. He shields Clare from a fatal blow with his body, giving her an opening to attack. With the yoma defeated, Clare realizes that she had surpassed her yoki limit, and begged Galk to behead her before she awakens. Thanks to Raki's belief in Clare, she was able to suppress her yoki aura, prompting Galk to remark that Raki had saved her life.

Galk and Sid see Clare and Raki off when they leave Rabona. Raki was given Galk's long sword before he resumed his journey with Clare.

Galk appears again after the seven-year time skip, when Miata and Clarice come to Rabona while on a mission to kill Galatea. Initially, he wanted to help them, seeing that they are Claymores, but he becomes confused when Miata attacks Galatea, who was trying to kill the awakened being Agatha. Galk leads the charge against Agatha, forming his battalion into small groups to attack from all directions, while Galatea directly fights her. Galk was used as a human shield by Galatea, who threw him toward Miata in order to momentarily stop the latter's assault. In the end, Agatha proved to be too powerful for them. Galk, Sid, Galatea, Miata, Clarice, and the rest of the soldiers are saved by the timely arrival of Clare, Miria, and the rest of the survivors of the Northern Campaign, who proceeded to cooperatively defeat Agatha.

After Agatha's death, Galk is seen in a tavern with the rest of the warriors and Sid, who reveals that Raki had come to Rabona looking for Clare one year prior to her arrival, and is looking for her still.

A few days later, the Organization sent a group of yoma and awakened beings to destroy Rabona. Galk, along with Clarice, Miata, Galatea, Tabitha, Yuma, Helen, Deneve, Dietrich, Sid, and a battalion of soldiers, manage to kill the yoma and awakened beings without suffering any casualties.


Claymore character
Created by Norihiro Yagi
Voiced by Hiroyuki Yoshino (Japanese)
Eric Vale (English)
First Appearance Chapter 5 (Manga) / Episode 3 (Anime)
Affiliation Holy City of Rabona
Weapons Throwing Knives, Short Sword
Status Alive

Sid is one of the warriors of the holy city of Rabona, and is very close to fellow warrior Galk. During his introduction, he appears brash, arrogant, and short tempered, and initially felt hatred toward all Claymores, putting them in the same group as yoma. He uses throwing daggers as his primary weapon, but is also proficient with a short sword.

Sid is first seen fighting against Clare with Galk, while on patrol. She manages to escape them, and heads off to kill the yoma she was assigned to slay. However, it was far more powerful than she expected, leaving both Sid and Galk with no other choice but to assist Clare with killing the yoma. Sid injures his leg during the battle, but Clare saves his life, ending his lifelong hatred for Claymores. He later sees her and Raki off when they leave the city, and gives Clare a goodbye kiss. This caused Raki to comically kick him in the crotch, and the two started fighting.

He reappears after the seven-year time skip and helps Miata and Clarice evade some guards during their mission to kill Galatea. He did not have the same arrogance or other rude qualities that he had during his first appearance. When the awakened being Agatha attacks, Sid is used as the central point in the defenders' efforts to take her down. While the guards distracted her, he planned on beheading her from behind using a short sword. However, before he could strike her, Agatha bound him with her tentacles. She commended him on his skill and offered to have sex with him, finding him attractive. Sid refused, replying that monsters aren't his type. Upon hearing this, Agatha snapped his arm. Just as she was about to kill him, he is saved by the timely arrival of Galatea, who slices off Agatha's tentacles and throws Sid towards Clarice, who catches him.

After the battle, Sid reveals that Raki had come to Rabona looking for Clare one year prior to her arrival, and is looking for her still. He comments on Raki's growth.

A few days later, the Organization sent a group of yoma and awakened beings to completely level Rabona. Sid, Galk, and a battalion of soldiers, with the help of Clarice, Miata, Galatea, Tabitha, Yuma, Helen, Deneve, and Dietrich, were able to kill the yoma and awakened beings without suffering any casualties.

Rank in Generations

Isley Arc

Riful Arc

Luciela Arc

Before Teresa Arc

Teresa Arc

Unknown Arc

Clare Arc

Unknown rank

New Arc


  1. ^ Claymore manga; Chapter 13, page 10.
  2. ^ Claymore manga; Chapter 15, page 27.
  3. ^ Claymore manga; Chapter 24, page 28.
  4. ^ Claymore manga; Chapter 24, page 29.
  5. ^ Claymore manga; Chapter 37, page 16.
  6. ^ Claymore manga; Chapter 25, page 31.
  7. ^ Claymore manga; Chapter 29, page 8.
  8. ^ Claymore manga; Chapter 38, page 22.
  9. ^ Claymore manga; Chapter 45, page 19.
  10. ^ Claymore manga; Chapter 47, page 4.
  11. ^ Claymore manga; Chapter 55, page 19.
  12. ^ Claymore manga; Chapter 59, page 4.
  13. ^ Claymore manga, Chapter 80, page 14.
  14. ^ a b Claymore manga, Chapter 82.
  15. ^ Claymore manga, chapter 105
  16. ^ Claymore manga, chapter 109
  17. ^ Claymore manga, Chapter 98, page 32.
  18. ^ Episode 19, 0:19:53
  19. ^ The flashback scene in Episode 11 reveals Hilda's name and Ophelia's provocations (recognized from her symbol).
  20. ^ Claymore manga, chapter 106
  21. ^ a b Claymore manga, chapter 109, page 22
  22. ^ a b c d Norihiro Yagi, Claymore, Volume 10, Scene 55
  23. ^ Claymore manga, volume 16
  24. ^ a b Claymore manga, chapter 108
  25. ^ Norihiro Yagi, Claymore, Volume 5, Scene 25
  26. ^ Galatea introduces Riful, "Claymore" Volume 8, Scene 45
  27. ^ Claymore manga; Chapter 88
  28. ^ Claymore manga, chapter 64, page 8
  29. ^ Claymore manga, chapter 64, page 35
  30. ^ Claymore manga, volume 11, page 169
  31. ^ Norihiro Yagi, Claymore, Volume 2, Scene 5
  32. ^ Norihiro Yagi, Claymore, Volume 8, Scene 45
  33. ^ Norihiro Yagi, Claymore, Volume 5, Scene 25, p. 116
  34. ^ Norihiro Yagi, Claymore, Volume 4, Scene 21, p. 162
  35. ^ Claymore manga, chapter 110, page 32
  36. ^ Claymore manga, chapter 110, page 24
  37. ^ Claymore manga, chapter 110, page 26
  38. ^ Claymore manga, chapter 111, page 22
  39. ^ Claymore manga, chapter 112, page 26
  40. ^ Claymore manga, chapter 112, page 28
  41. ^ Claymore manga, chapter 112, page 29
  42. ^ a b Claymore manga, chapter 112, page 8
  43. ^ Claymore manga, chapter 108, page 6
  44. ^ a b Claymore manga, volume 17, page 9
  45. ^ Claymore manga, volume 16, page 53
  46. ^ Claymore manga, volume 16, page 50
  47. ^ Claymore manga, volume 16, page 60
  48. ^ Claymore manga, volume 16, page 67
  49. ^ Claymore manga, volume 17, page 11
  50. ^ Claymore manga, chapter 102, page 1
  51. ^ Claymore manga, chapter 109, page 26
  52. ^ Claymore manga, chapter 109, page 29